Partial Disconnect

In an effort to assuage my mind, I am choosing to limit my social media exposure to only Twitter for the remainder of November. [ -Facebook, -Instagram, -Various Online Dating Apps]  This article about phone usage catalyzed my decision, but I feel this was a long time coming.  I admit, this is not a unique idea; I plan to utilize time away from incessant screen time towards other – read, more rewarding – pursuits.

What are these pursuits?

  • Reading [ books and articles ]
  • Learning [ piano, code, investing and whatever else comes my way ]
  • Moving [ biking, lifting, yoga and/or exercise at large ]
  • Writing [ album reviews, playlist write-ups, maybe more! ]

Are they more rewarding?

It is likely that they are.  And even if they are empty in their own way (they aren’t) I will achieve greater control over my attention.  Control of attention is the greatest skill no one talks about.

Planning to check in about this either at the end of the month or at weekly intervals.

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